Yields1 Serving
(For a pineapple)
  1 Victoria pineapple.
 Sugar 3/4 of the weight of the pineapple.
 1 lemon.
 1 vanilla pod (optional).
 Rum (optional).

Peel the pineapple, remove the heart and eyes and cut the flesh into pieces.

Weigh your prepared pineapple, and reserve 3/4 the weight of the pineapple for the sugar.

Squeeze the lemon.


Put the pineapple, lemon juice and sugar in the jam dish, mix and bring to a boil. Cook for about 20 minutes, stirring regularly.

Check the cooking by pouring a few drops on a cold plate and then tilt the plate. The jam should flow gently.

Foam and proceed without waiting to the pots. Cover and sterilize.


Optional: Before potting, you can add a vanilla pod cut into 5 or 6 pieces (as many as jars) and add a tear of rum to perfume.


Enjoy your meal from


(For a pineapple)
  1 Victoria pineapple.
 Sugar 3/4 of the weight of the pineapple.
 1 lemon.
 1 vanilla pod (optional).
 Rum (optional).



Peel the pineapple, remove the heart and eyes and cut the flesh into pieces.

Weigh your prepared pineapple, and reserve 3/4 the weight of the pineapple for the sugar.

Squeeze the lemon.


Put the pineapple, lemon juice and sugar in the jam dish, mix and bring to a boil. Cook for about 20 minutes, stirring regularly.

Check the cooking by pouring a few drops on a cold plate and then tilt the plate. The jam should flow gently.

Foam and proceed without waiting to the pots. Cover and sterilize.


Optional: Before potting, you can add a vanilla pod cut into 5 or 6 pieces (as many as jars) and add a tear of rum to perfume.


Enjoy your meal from

Pineapple Jam

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