Cut the fish into cubes about 0.5 cm apart and soak in salted water.
Meanwhile, cut the cucumbers, the diced tomatoes and grate the carrots, squeeze all the vegetables and mix (important).
Empty the water where the fish is and add the liter of lemon juice instead.
Meanwhile, chop the ginger and slice the green onions in thin slices.
Check the cooking of the fish in the lemon, if the flesh has whitened then the fish is cooked.
Empty all the lemon juice and add all the vegetables, mix everything. Salt, pepper and add the ginger.
Pour the coconut milk over the salad and decorate with green onions.
Enjoy your meal from
Cut the fish into cubes about 0.5 cm apart and soak in salted water.
Meanwhile, cut the cucumbers, the diced tomatoes and grate the carrots, squeeze all the vegetables and mix (important).
Empty the water where the fish is and add the liter of lemon juice instead.
Meanwhile, chop the ginger and slice the green onions in thin slices.
Check the cooking of the fish in the lemon, if the flesh has whitened then the fish is cooked.
Empty all the lemon juice and add all the vegetables, mix everything. Salt, pepper and add the ginger.
Pour the coconut milk over the salad and decorate with green onions.
Enjoy your meal from
Ia Orana, j’ai vécu 5 ans à Tahiti et je mangeais du poisson tous les jours.
En Métropole, c’est plus difficile car le thon rouge est très cher.
Je ne rajoute pas de gingembre et je fais moi-même mon lait de coco.
Je ne rajoute le jus de citron vert que 15 minutes avant de servir, et je
surveille la couleur du thon.
Maam’ a maitai