Yields1 Serving
  1 Victoria pineapple (about 250 g)
 2 spoons. tablespoon of lime juice
 100 g sugar with pectin (confisuc)
 50 g fresh ginger
 1 vanilla pod
 1 cinnamon stick

Peel the pineapple, cut it into eight parts lengthwise and then into small pieces forming fans.
Peel the ginger and cut it into sticks the size of a match. Split the vanilla pod lengthwise and cut it halfway.
Pour the lemon juice into a frying pan. Add the pineapple pieces, sugar, ginger, vanilla and cinnamon. mix
Put the sauté pan on high heat. When boiling, count 4 minutes of cooking over high heat. Drain the pieces of pineapple, reduce the juice for another 2 minutes then put the pineapple and allow to resume boiling.


Remove the frying pan from the heat and check the cooking of the jam by placing a drop of cooking syrup on a small plate: it must gel immediately.
Pour the jam into a jar, let cool and close the jar.

The trick:

You can make the same recipe by mixing equal parts of mango and pineapple


Enjoy your meal from


  1 Victoria pineapple (about 250 g)
 2 spoons. tablespoon of lime juice
 100 g sugar with pectin (confisuc)
 50 g fresh ginger
 1 vanilla pod
 1 cinnamon stick



Peel the pineapple, cut it into eight parts lengthwise and then into small pieces forming fans.
Peel the ginger and cut it into sticks the size of a match. Split the vanilla pod lengthwise and cut it halfway.
Pour the lemon juice into a frying pan. Add the pineapple pieces, sugar, ginger, vanilla and cinnamon. mix
Put the sauté pan on high heat. When boiling, count 4 minutes of cooking over high heat. Drain the pieces of pineapple, reduce the juice for another 2 minutes then put the pineapple and allow to resume boiling.


Remove the frying pan from the heat and check the cooking of the jam by placing a drop of cooking syrup on a small plate: it must gel immediately.
Pour the jam into a jar, let cool and close the jar.

The trick:

You can make the same recipe by mixing equal parts of mango and pineapple


Enjoy your meal from

Ginger Pineapple Jam

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