Yields1 Serving
(For 4 people)
 1 circle of pure butter puff pastry
 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
 2 mangoes
 1 organic lime
(For the pastry cream)
 50 cl of whole milk
 1 vanilla pod
 4 egg yolks
 60 g of sugar
 30 g Maïzena
 Icing sugar

Cook the puff pastry, forked and sprinkled with vanilla sugar, between two baking sheets covered with baking paper, for 10 min at 180 ° C.

Cut the mangoes in small dice and marinate in the lemon juice, with the grated zest of the lemon.

Bring the milk to boil with vanilla split in half.


Whisk the egg yolks and sugar for 1 min.

Add the cornstarch and boiling milk.

Always whisking, boil this cream 1 min.

Let it cool down.


With a saw-knife, divide the puff pastry into twelve equal triangles.

Mount each millefeuille with three triangles.

Cover with pastry cream and diced mango the first two, powder the third with icing sugar.


Enjoy your meal from


(For 4 people)
 1 circle of pure butter puff pastry
 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
 2 mangoes
 1 organic lime
(For the pastry cream)
 50 cl of whole milk
 1 vanilla pod
 4 egg yolks
 60 g of sugar
 30 g Maïzena
 Icing sugar



Cook the puff pastry, forked and sprinkled with vanilla sugar, between two baking sheets covered with baking paper, for 10 min at 180 ° C.

Cut the mangoes in small dice and marinate in the lemon juice, with the grated zest of the lemon.

Bring the milk to boil with vanilla split in half.


Whisk the egg yolks and sugar for 1 min.

Add the cornstarch and boiling milk.

Always whisking, boil this cream 1 min.

Let it cool down.


With a saw-knife, divide the puff pastry into twelve equal triangles.

Mount each millefeuille with three triangles.

Cover with pastry cream and diced mango the first two, powder the third with icing sugar.


Enjoy your meal from

Millefeuille of mango

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