Yields1 Serving
 400 g peeled bananas
 2 dl whole liquid cream
 7 g (3.5 sheets) of gelatin
 25 g of sugar
 Mint, strawberry ….

Pour the cold cream very cold in a narrow bowl and high placed in a large salad bowl filled with ice cubes. Whip approx. 5 min with an electric whisk: the cream becomes foamy and very firm.

Keep cool.

Mix the bananas in a puree with the propeller robot. In a small saucepan, let the gelatine soften in 5cl of cold water. Add the sugar, heat over low heat.


As soon as everything is melted, mingle with the banana puree while turning.

Add the whipped cream by turning from bottom to top; go well at the bottom

Pour immediately into 6 ramekins of 15 cl. Take 3 hours in the cold.


Unmould: peel off the lathe with the blade of a knife, dip the bottom of the mold briefly in very hot water, wipe quickly, turn around.

Decorate with a mint leaf, banana sliced ​​in honey, a piece of strawberry and icing sugar


Enjoy your meal from


 400 g peeled bananas
 2 dl whole liquid cream
 7 g (3.5 sheets) of gelatin
 25 g of sugar
 Mint, strawberry ….



Pour the cold cream very cold in a narrow bowl and high placed in a large salad bowl filled with ice cubes. Whip approx. 5 min with an electric whisk: the cream becomes foamy and very firm.

Keep cool.

Mix the bananas in a puree with the propeller robot. In a small saucepan, let the gelatine soften in 5cl of cold water. Add the sugar, heat over low heat.


As soon as everything is melted, mingle with the banana puree while turning.

Add the whipped cream by turning from bottom to top; go well at the bottom

Pour immediately into 6 ramekins of 15 cl. Take 3 hours in the cold.


Unmould: peel off the lathe with the blade of a knife, dip the bottom of the mold briefly in very hot water, wipe quickly, turn around.

Decorate with a mint leaf, banana sliced ​​in honey, a piece of strawberry and icing sugar


Enjoy your meal from

Small banana mousse

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